August 21, 2013

Elidia, part I

First work and then holidays got in the way of this post, but here it is. Divided in two as usual, because there are so many photos I like that I want to publish them all.

So, Elidia. She is one of my girls and she knows how to rock, in front of a camera and also with no cameras involved. We were dying to make a shooting together and I'm really happy with the result, though I must admit I'm less than impartial about it :)

Hope you like it! The second post will be quite longer than this one, and kind of a new experience for me!

(Aaaand another one here, in my old and beloved Flickr account :)

August 08, 2013


Photography is always a pleasure, but when there are people you love involved... well, it can't get much better than that :)

Just a sneak peek. Can't wait to show you (a lot) more!

August 02, 2013

August 01, 2013

Photo diary

Morning light.

Save for a few summer evenings, I tend to prefer light to get brighter, not dimmer. A more optimistic view, I guess.

Canon A-1 + 50mm 1.4 Fuji 400.