December 18, 2013

Winter series

Winter has brought with it a fair amount of nostalgia. 

As soon as the cold settled around I started feeling all black and white, all shades of grey. It happens mostly when I am by myself, at home or under an ill educated weather, and as unpleasant as it may sound it actually feels quite soothing inside. After all, that's what nostalgia is about, isn't it? That unique mixture of warm sadness and stupidly romantic deep sighs.

These are some nostalgia moments from my Instagram account. I started uploading two of them and promptly decided I wanted this to be a winter series, so there will be more :)

[Sneak peek] Shooting for an event I can't mention yet ;)

This charismatic gentleman is Edén:

This mysterious girl is Elena:

And they are the models from one of the last shootings I did with this fair lady <3 

December 05, 2013

Comillas (Cantabria), part I

Photography is one of the best ways to keep a record of those moments you really don't want to forget (some other good ones would be a diary -which I have, or even good memory -which sadly I don't have). I guess this is why personal photography, both the photo diary type and the more artistic type, always feel like something essential for me, and will always find an equilibrium with my professional work.

Which has nothing to do with this images, really. But they are all part from a really good moment, during a warm but foggy day :)

October 31, 2013

[Photo diary] Winter.

Hay carretes vividores y cámaras sin miedo que revelan más historias de lo habitual:

Bestias aladas que intenté atrapar y he tardado meses en averiguar si lo había conseguido. Montañas y pueblos que se mezclan del revés, luchando por decidir sus horizontes. Caballeros que observan desde una ventana la autopista que les atraviesa. Historias que se leen solas en los viajes entre la nieve.

Recuerdos de un invierno que vuelve ahora con fuerza y que hace que vuelva a ser difícil salir de la cama.

October 27, 2013

Secret places

Hard to find. Hart to access.

Trainers are highly discouraged.

October 25, 2013

That last ray of sunlight

Ese último rayo de sol. Ese que provoca la luz más cálida y los suspiros más largos. Que se va tan, tan rápido que parece cobrar aún más valor. 

Ese que cubre de magia todas las superficies, todas las situaciones.

Hay días que comienzan aparentando ser corrientes y que cuando menos te lo esperas te transportan a lugares como éste. 

October 20, 2013

Phonography and my non-secret Instagram life.

(Scroll down for English!)

Hace tiempo que tengo pendiente dedicarle un post a mi cuenta de Instagram, que poco a poco se ha convertido en un diario fotográfico alternativo al original. Aunque me resistí a su embrujo durante un tiempo al final he caído con todo el equipo: todos los días entro varias veces a visitar el escaparate del día a día de mis amigos y fotógrafos favoritos, y actualizo cada poco tiempo con esos momentos especiales en los que te encuentras sin otra cámara a mano con la que inmortalizarlos. 

Aquí os dejo algunas de mis favoritas. Daos un garbeo por allí para ver el resto y añadidme si también tenéis un escaparate cerca! ;)

My relationship with Instagram was kind of problematic at the beginning: I created an account, stared at it, decided I very much prefer to keep uploading my mobile photographs to my tumblr (though they're not there anymore), deleted it and forgot about the whole thing for some time. Then that some time passed and I create another one, use it with more and more interest but deleted it again when Facebook started trying to rob us as usual.

But, strange thing, I missed it. Because you can't really understand how fun is to scroll up and down your contact's photographs if you never did it. And well, I kind of need to take photographs all the time.

As it turned out, you cannot create an account with a nickname that has already existed, even if it's not active anymore. So I decided that time I would create... the final super secret account! I would upload secret things, get to insta-know secret people and become secretly famous! And hey, I tried: I maintain the secrecy of my secretly secret account for about two days before starting to follow my friends. Because this is my ability to live without stalking you people. Never say I don't love you.

So there I am again, these days with a cooler nickname than ever. I don't have a fancy smartphone (I accept iPhones as a Christmas present by the way) but the important thing is what to do do with the time that is given to us to get to know the camera you've got your hands on, its weakness and its strengths, and you'll be able to do some good job with almost anything. Because tech quality is a real thing (I wouldn't have sold half my organs to buy a 5D if it wasn't true, and this may or may not be an exaggeration) but it is a lot truer than the photograph is made by the photographer, not the camera.

(Except if we're talking about my Barbie Polaroid. That beauty knows how to rock all by itself.)

So then! These are my favorite photos from my Instagram account. Feel free to add me there and become my secret insta-friend! I can't make cookies but know exactly where to buy the best ones!

(Fav one above <3 :)