November 28, 2012

Photographer: Noell S. Oszvald.

(Scroll down for English.)

Un par de personas y yo (sobre todo yo) hemos echado de menos los Happy Mondays y su excusa para compartir fotografías y fotógrafos todas las semanas, y esta imagen de aquí abajo, de Noell S. Oszvald, me ha parecido la excusa perfecta para volver a las buenas costumbres.

(Sí, un miércoles.)

Es difícil, por no decir imposible, elegir una única imagen de su galería en flickr; todas muestran una historia diferente y similar a la vez, tanto en su contenido como en la estética, muy definida, que la caracteriza. 

Me resultan, todas sus fotografías, más silenciosas de lo habitual; estáticas incluso cuando muestran movimiento. Como (y aquí me pongo un poco cursi) emociones que permanecen en el tiempo, provenientes de otra era y dispuestas a quedarse, impertérritas, hasta la siguiente. Tal vez ese es el motivo que me lleva a pensar que Noell S. Oszvald seguirá atrayéndome a pesar del paso del tiempo y de los cambios inevitables de perspectiva. O tal vez no. En cualquier caso, no os perdáis su galería y esperad conmigo a que aparezca su siguiente imagen. :)

Thoughts by noellosvald.

So it's been a while since last Happy Monday post and I've missed sharing my favorite photographs and artists, so here I am! I'm not picking an specific day for this anymore, or at least I'm not doing it just now, but I'll compensate for it with more than one image from each photographer ;)

It would be impossible for me to choose only one of the photographs of Noell S. Oszvald; each and every one of them are appealing in different and similar ways. They express themselves loudly but feel silent to me, as if they were all soundless, patiente and inmortal emotions.

Enjoy her gallery and then come back and wait for her next image with me!

Prejudice by Noell S. Oszvald.

Pretending by Noell S. Oszvald.

Sinking by Noell S. Oszvald.

November 21, 2012

Medium format: Noelia.

It never stop to amaze me how beautiful medium format is. With this photograph and the previously posted one, I've been able to compare between making the same photo with no less than a 5D mark II (a camera I love, for it's been used by half my favorite artists) or shooting it with an obscenely exquisite Hasselblad (you can see here my first experience with it). 

And Hasselblad won the race with so little effort. It was embarrasing (for the 5D at least).

This photo was made as a part of an school project, inspired on one by Albert Watson (I can't find the original neither in his web nor in Google Images). I wouldn't usually post (or just make, for that matter) something that I don't feel entirely mine, but I like the result and couldn't help sharing it :)

And going back now to editing a fashion shot that is driving me crazy. All in all, I'm trying things in Photoshop I've never done. And that's something, because a big part of my life have disappeared around that program!

November 09, 2012

Black and white portrait (medium film and digital)

Ahora mismo, en mi plato de ducha: una ampliación casi final de un negativo de medio formato que ha visto la luz esta mañana.

Right now, on my shower tray: an almost-final copy of a medium format film I've been working on this morning.

Y su versión final en digital, utilizada como test para depurar la iluminación:

And its final digital version, used for testing while getting the lighting right:

(Próximamente, más y más fotos que aguardan su turno ;)

(More updates coming!)